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+48 71 79-67-360
ul. Zelwerowicza 18a
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The purpose of the training is to acquire elementary skills in the use of Excel spreadsheet as well as to solidify the already gained knowledge.
The participants of the course will be familiarized with the basics of Excel and obtain the abilities to use the spreadsheet in practice during everyday work.
During the training, you will know how to:
During the training, the issues concerning spreadsheet cell formatting and creating simple tables are discussed.
The trainees are also acquainted with most often used formulas and references and they perform simple calculations in Excel spreadsheet.
The participants are trained to create simple charts and are taught to manage Excel sheets. Operations on larger datasets (sorting, filtering) are also discussed so that each participant can carry out primary data analysis as well as print Excel sheets properly.
The training takes the form of computer workshops. Each participant, at his or her computer station, does assigned tasks under the lecturer’s supervision.
The training participants are handed out training materials in the form of:
After completing the course in the basics of Excel spreadsheet, the participants have the opportunity to contact the lecturer free-of-charge so as to get solutions to the problems which can occur during their work with Excel program. After-training care is provided for each participant within 12 months after receiving the training.
In order to meet fully your expectations regarding the training, we have introduced the option of preparing customized training exercises. Every participant, who has signed in for our training, is entitled to send Excel spreadsheet files, which contain specific issues regarding their work, to our trainers. On that basis, the lecturer develops training exercises which will show you the most rapid methods of using formulas and functions which will result in completing training tasks.
Test yourself! If you don’t know which Excel level you should choose.
Send your inquiry to us by email to or phone us and you will be given an Excel test. Fill it out and you will receive in response the full analysis of your skills with the indication which level of Excel courses would be the most suitable for you.
What is the spreadsheet, what is the workbook, cell and cell address, columns and rows – what are they for, how to use them at work
Saving empty sheets, saving Excel sheets in different formats
The methods of creating new documents in Excel program, discussing the basic functionality, creating new documents with the use of keyboard shortcuts
Various methods of navigating the spreadsheet, using simple keyboard shortcuts in order to navigate the sheets
The explanation of the definition of range, the methods of selecting cells, cell ranges, selecting entire columns and rows rapidly, selecting certain sheet cells using keyboard shortcuts, selecting entire spreadsheet tables
Proper entering data to the sheet cells, inserting texts, dates and numbers also with the use of simple keyboard shortcuts
Deleting data from the sheet cells, deleting data from entire cell ranges, deleting data from entire columns or rows, deleting a part of a text or a number from the sheet cell
Quick table numbering, creating a large amount of data, creating the series of months and week days
Simple data copying, pasting data to other locations, copying entire columns and rows, copying cell ranges, using the „Paste special” tool in order to copy tables and to paste its contents to other sheets without changing the column size
Aligning data in a cell, changing the font size, creating frames, giving the color of cell background, using the „Format painter” in order to copy and paste cell formatting quickly
Changing the size of columns and rows, changing the size of entire column and row group, adjusting the row and column size to data stored in cells, hiding and unhiding rows and columns, transferring and copying Excel rows and columns
Creating merged areas, creating merged ranges, splitting merged cells
Undoing commands with the use of keyboard shortcuts
Adding and deleting Excel sheets, changing the name of the sheet, editing the color of the sheet, copying and transferring entire sheets into other documents
Creating and using a Table object
The change of format into currency, changing the format of dates, giving the numbers decimal places, working with the „Format cells” window, keyboard shortcuts necessary for formatting cells quickly, formatting texts stored in tables at different angles, deleting the formatting
The simple use of conditional formatting in order to edit the color of cells , which consist of numbers greater than a particular value, smaller than or equal to a certain value, using conditional formatting toolbars to make the sheet more attractive
The use of the „Group” in order to create row and column groups, discussing the functionality of grouping
Blocking the top row of table, blocking the first column of sheet
Simple splitting of text gathered in cells with the use of the „Text to Column” tool
The use of comments, entering command to cell, deleting commands from cells
Simple sorting of data from A to Z, sorting data by certain criteria, sorting dates, sorting data by color
Choosing data which meet a certain condition, using „AutoFilter”, filtering data by several criteria, choosing data by number, by date and by text
Discussing the use of formula toolbar, distinguishing what a cell value is and what the function and formula of cell is
Discussing the basic mathematic operators (equal, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, exponentiation, square rooting)
Building formulas, the elementary rule of creating a formula, creating formulas of addition, subtraction, multiplying, division, copying formulas
Discussing basic errors in formulas, error sources in formulas, the methods of correcting errors in formulas with the use of formula toolbar
The use of „Autosum” in order to sum data ranges quickly, copying the SUM function
The use of AVERAGE, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM functions, rounding numbers using ROUND function, different methods of searching and inserting functions
Simple „blocking” cells with the use of $ mark, the use of „blocking” cells for calculations
Checking the 'run' with the use of tools, "Track precedessors" and "Track successors"
The simple use of the „Evaluate formula” tool to check the validation of calculations and to detect errors in calculations
Preparing data to crate a chart, the methods of creating charts, proper defining data sources necessary to create a chart, various charts in Excel
Creating column, line, pie charts, changing the range of chart data, creating charts with several data series
The change of the color of charts, repositioning the chart legend, adding labels to charts, formatting the font, repositioning the axis, changing the data on axis
Inserting images and various shapes to Excel sheet
Adding page numbers, adding header and footer to a sheet, changing print scale, aligning margins, inserting the company's logo, print preview in Excel
Printing certain ranges of a sheet, printing chosen pages of a sheet
Simple Excel sheet protection from unauthorized edition, protecting the sheet with password
The training is largely based on practical exercises which take the form of computer workshops.
Each training module is preceded with a short thematic lecture regarding a particular issue on the use of Excel spreadsheet.
The learning period includes 2 training days (18 teaching hours).
Each training participant has his or her own computer station at their disposal.
The trainings are conducted in small training groups (up to 10 people), which allows an individual approach towards every participant.
The trainings in the basic use of Excel spreadsheet are also offered in a closed system, for groups of at least 4 people. Such a training can be organized in our headquarters, in the Client's headquarters or any other place chosen by him.
AkKom Computer Academy has mobile training facilities (laptops) and, as a result, can fulfill the Client's expectations concerning the location.