The goal of the training is to gain the skills in the use of the MS Excel program quickly and efficiently. The training participants will expand their knowledge on creating functions and large data set analysis. The training is intended for people, who have already been working with Excel and those who are planning to use the Excel spreadsheet in their everyday work.
During the training the participants will learn:
- how to use the Excel tools and functions optimally, which will result in the acceleration of work with the spreadsheet,
- how to use Excel keyboard shortcuts,
- how to create complicated tables,
- how to use advanced functions: logical, reference, counting,
- how to creating nested function, to optimize the amount of calculation,
- how to compare tables using the VLOOKUP function,
- how to make simple data analysis with pivot table tool.
During the training, the participants will be familiarized with the creation of common functions, such as sum, average, maximum and minimum, counting and rounding functions, text functions, lookup functions as well as charts which analyze data. This will allow to create more attractive sheets and will improve the clarity of data analysis.
Special attention is paid to the analysis of data with the PivotTable and the use of "subtotal", conditional formatting, as well as to the application of filters and data sorting.
A nice addition to the course, specially presented to our trainees, is also a series of “tricks and gimmicks”.
On each day of the training, the participants will practise using keyboard shortcuts which are the inevitable part of navigating the spreadsheet and selecting data.
The training materials
The training materials are given to the trainees in the form of:
- A script specially prepared for the subject of training,
- A script consisting of the methods of solving the exercises “step by step”,
- Practical exercises in Excel together with the key.
After the training, practical exercises are sent to the participants to their e-mail.
After-training care
Within 12 months after completing the course, the trainees can benefit from after-training care. Each participant is entitled to contact the lecturer via e-mail or phone as well as consult him/her in the headquarters of our company.
To adapt to the needs of our clients, we have launched a special e-mail address:, where questions can be sent.
We will adjust the training to your needs!
Those who sign up for the Excel training, have the opportunity to send the issues regarding their work in the spreadsheet to the trainer. According to it, the lecturer develops exercises specifically dedicated to that particular person. In this way, the trainees can practise and learn the methods of solution to concrete concerns considering the use of Excel.
If you are not certain which level of Excel training is appropriate for you, fill in the test.
Contact us by e-mail: or call us to receive the test directly to your e-mail.
The Excel diagnozing test was created so that you can not only test your knowledge on Excel but also check what practical skills you should gain to do your work in the spreadsheet quickly and effectively.
The person, who has completed the test, will receive a full analysis of their needs and a diagnosis of individual skills in the field of practical use of Excel. The analysis is sent to the e-mail address of the person who has performed the test.
Tools that are necessary during everyday work in Excel spreadsheet
- Advanced formatting of the spreadsheet
Custom spreadsheet formatting, essential for the proper use of the sheet in the visual aspect, which improves the work
- Practical use of text, number and date formats
Completing the cells with data in a quick way using keyboard shortcuts helpful in formatting
- Custom formatting of the spreadsheet
Using the painter format tool, creating custom borders, quick adjustment of row height and column width, making custom formats, such as “m2”, “kg”
- Using “Go to” tool
Express filling empty cells using keyboard shortcuts
- Creating custom data series
Creating specific data series (recurring data) and the methods of using them, creating dates excluding weekends, creating custom serial numbers
- The spreadsheet modification
- „Paste Special” - fast data copying and pasting
Copying only cell values, copying and pasting tables to other worksheets and documents without changing their formats and column width, applying „transpose” to quick conversion rows into columns and the other way round, performing simple arithmetic calculations (multiplication, division, addition, subtraction) with the „Paste Special” tool
- Data grouping
Data grouping with the Group tool in order to hide columns and rows quickly and effectively
- Working with and applying TABLE object and its features
Creating tables and lists, making databases with the Table tool, performing quick calculations within a table
- Splitting texts using the „Text to columns” tool
Rapid division of the text in one cell into multiple columns, splitting texts together with changing their location
- Using Excel keyboard shortcuts in practice
Keyboard shortcuts as a way to enter and select data, wrap text lines in cells, to create data, such as today's date rapidly as well as to navigate through the workbook and data
- Automatic change of worksheet cell appearance (formatting) due to specific conditions – Conditional formatting
Making “graphic” conditional formats, conditional formats which are used to good visualization of data collected in worksheets: text, number and date format. Conditional formats using simple functions: automatic change of the color of the whole row, automatic selection of rows including weekends.
- Limitation of possibilities of making mistakes with the “Data validation” tool
Reducing the risk of entering incorrect data, restrictions related to number and date correction and text length Creating simple drop-down lists
- Comments and references
Creating “ graphic comments”, creating simple navigation through the workbook using hiperlinks, opening other files automatically with hiperlinks
Calculations – Using Excel formulas and functions in everyday work with the spreadsheet
- Quick entering and modifying the range of functions: SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, COUNTA
Keyboard shortcuts as a method of quick creating and modifying functions, the change of the ranges of functions using keyboard shortcuts
- Absolute and relative references (blocking worksheet cells with $ mark)
Working with functions and references, performing calculations by blocking cells with keyboard shortcuts
- Logical functions: IF, AND, OR
Applying IF function to calculate data due to a specific condition, nesting IF function with the AND, OR ones
- Counting functions: SUMIF, COUNTIF, SUMIFS
Using the functions for summing different ranges due to specific conditions, counting functions including cell blocking, summing the data which meet many criteria
- Using ROUND function
ROUND function as a way to round numbers, creating nested functions which count the already rounded data
Simple text splitting using functions, separating letters situated at the beginning and the end of the text, joining texts quickly using functions and the ampersand character (&), converting upper case to lower case and the other way round, using TEXT function to find a day of a week and the month, rapid conversion of numbers recognized as text into numbers
- Date and time functions: TODAY, NOW, YEAR, MONTH, DAY
Adding and subtracting dates, subtraction month and year from a date, addition month and year to a date, operations on dates, such as constructing functions which check whether a particular date has passed
- Simple use of VLOOKUP function
An easy method for comparing two tables and for completing the values from one table into another one taking into account common criteria
- Working with nested functions
Creating nested tables using “Insert function”, nesting newly-known functions into other functions, nesting text and date functions into logical functions
- Look-up and error correction in calculations
Types of errors in calculations, methods of finding and correcting errors, using the”Evaluate formula” tool to verify whether the calculations are correct
- Formula auditing
Checking formula relations, “graphic” representation of formula dependence using “Trace Dependents” and “Trace Precedents”
Creating relations between Excel sheets
Calculations based on data from other sheets
- Making simple relations
Creating calculations from data located in other sheets using SUM, AVERAGE and IF functions
- Relations and references through name
Usefulness of names, name defining, naming cell ranges, creating calculations through name, retrieving data from other sheets in order to do calculations referring to the name
- Retrieving data from other worksheets using VLOOKUP function
Transferring data from one table to another using VLOOKUP function and reference to name
Data sorting and filters
- Sorting data by column
Sorting as a method for quick alphabetical ordering of data, sorting data by color, sorting data by date, sorting data according to many criteria
- Simple filters
Filtering as a way to find data quickly, applying filters in tables, data filtering by many criteria, number, date and text filtering
- Advanced filters
Filtering data by fragment of text, data filtering using * mark
Creating calculations due to selected data groups using “Subtotal” tool
- Creating subtotals
Preparing data for the use of subtotal, making subtotals on already sorted data, creating subtotal using Average summary function
- Subtotals by many categories
Using summary functions: Sum and Average in Subtotal tool based on many criteria
Report and analysis creating with PivotTables
A PivotTable tool as a method to analyze business data, to create calculations rapidly as well as to report data. Exercises on accounting, financial and production data
- Creating a PivotTable
Preparation of data needed to make a PivotTable, creation of PivotTable, introduction to basic elements of PivotTables, the list of PivotTable fields, discussion on how a PivotTable works
- Working with PivotTables
- Data transferring
Adding data to row and column fields as well as to filter and value fields, methods of data transfer so as to get correct data sets
- Change of PivotTable summary functions
The use of SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX functions in order to create calculations which meet specific criteria
- Data grouping in PivotTable
Change of data presentation due to specific data groups, creating calculations based on months and years, creating computational intervals
- Data filtering in Pivot Table
- Quick creation of PivotChart using Pivot Table data
Working with charts and graphic elements in Excel
- Chart creating
Proper data preparation in order to create a chart, choosing the most appropriate chart to present data: column chart, pie chart, line chart and radar chart
- Change of data range in charts
Changing the range of data in chart, methods of automatic data modification using Table object
- Charts with many data series
Creating combination charts, making charts with dynamic data, charts comparing variables
- Chart formatting
Adding graphic elements to the chart, modifying data presentation
- Creating objects such as “SmartArt”
Making graphic representation of data hierarchy, process, organizational hierarchy schemes and relations between data
Getting external data to Excel and data consolidation from different workbooks
- Importing text and number data
Methods of importing data from text files and the most common errors appearing in data. Methods of elimination of errors from imported data
- Data consolidation
Consolidating data with the “Consolidate” tool, data consolidation using SUM and AVERAGE, consolidating data by row and column labels
Protection of Excel worksheets
- Protecting worksheets from unauthorized modifications
Worksheet protection from changing entirely, worksheet protection allowing column and row deletion
- Workbook protection
Workbook protection from the possibility of sheet deletion or view change
Printing Excel worksheets
Creating graphic headers and footers in Excel, printing selected sheet areas, printing complex tables
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870,00 PLN net
1070,10 PLN gross
The training is held in the form of computer workshops. The classes consist of a theoretical part, which has been introduced to become familiarized with the advanced functions of Excel and a practical part, conducted in the form of computer workshops. In order to enrich the training, we implemented the mode of “blending” the theoretical part with the practical use of Excel program.
The training participants will be acquainted how to use Excel tools and functions in practice during exercises which are developed specifically to the needs of the trainees.
The exercises performed during the training have a practical dimension which results in accelerating work in Excel effectively. A crucial element of the training are “tricks” shown by the lecturers.
At the initial stage of the course, the trainer conducts an insightful “interview” with the participants to recognize their individual needs and preferences for the training. Later on, those specific needs and determining factors are reflected in the exercises performed during the training in Excel.
The training participants have their own computer stations at their disposal.
The actual time used for learning is 18 teaching hours – within 2 training days. Each day there are three 15-minute long breaks for lunch and coffee planned.
The training is held in small groups (up to 10 people), which ensures a great comfort of gaining knowledge. Such a small training group enables better solving the issues which bother the participants.
“The MS Excel spreadsheet – P1 intermediate level” training is carried out as a “tailored” training for the group of at least 5 participants.
In this particular form of training, we adjust the training program and practical exercises to work profile as well as the specific needs and requirements of our Client. Practical exercises are developed on the basis of the Client's Excel files. This allows an effective use of practical Excel knowledge, gained during the training, in everyday work.
Trainings in such a form are delivered in our training rooms, in the Client's headquarters or any other location in Poland as well as abroad.
AkKom Computer Academy has its own training facilities (laptops), which permits to deliver the training in any place chosen by the Client.